Get things done with Loop and Planner!

microsoft loop microsoft teams planner Jun 21, 2024
An image of all hands together to get a task done

Walk through an example of managing tasks using Loop, Planner and Teams 

Reading time: 2 minutes

If you’ve not tried Loop components yet, then we’d really urge you to have an experiment.

Loop creates small editable and sharable collaborative spaces to bring teams together to work in places that are comfortable for the task they are doing.

What’s more, in addition to the simplicity and flexibility that Loop can bring, because it’s grounded in Microsoft 365 it interacts with the tools you’re already using to bring a sense of togetherness and adjustment to the way you prefer to work.

Sometimes it’s easier to understand in a real-life setting, so let’s step through how Megan and Isaiah use Loop, Teams and Planner to organise their event.

How it started  

Megan drops Isaiah a Teams chat message. They’ve got the Team day coming up next month, and they should share the load. 

Isaiah agrees and sends Megan a reply. Isaish inserts a Loop Task List to the reply and loads it with the jobs they’ll need to do. 

Megan receives Isaiah's reply.

The next steps 

Megan doesn’t check the teams chat too regularly, but that’s OK because the tasks Isaiah has given her are added to her other workload in My Tasks in the Planner App in Teams.  

Megan is pleased that the Agenda was a breeze this month, so in Planner marks it as complete. 


Updated for everyone 

Isaiah is just going to send Megan a follow up note, when he spots from the Loop Task List that Megan has sorted the Agenda – that's worth an emoji! 


If your interest is piqued in Loop take a look at our Loop Playlist on our YouTube channel where we’ve got nearly 20 free tutorials to get you up-to-speed. 

Published 21 June 2024

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We created Your 365 Coach, to do one important thing, help you become productive with the tools you already have.

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