Your 365 Coach Blog

Welcome to Your 365 Insights, your go-to resource for unlocking the full potential of Microsoft 365.  It's jam packed with video tutorials and more, to help you get the most from Microsoft 365.

Get things done with Loop and Planner! microsoft loop microsoft teams planner Jun 21, 2024

Walk through an example of managing tasks using Loop, Planner and Teams 

Reading time: 2 minutes

If you’ve not tried Loop components yet, then we’d really urge you to have an...

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Say thank you to colleagues in Microsoft Teams microsoft teams Jun 14, 2024

Use the Praise app for Teams to provide recognition and celebrate success

Sam Walton, founder of Walmart once said ‘Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed,...

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Book it! Using Microsoft 365 for event registrations and signups microsoft 365 microsoft bookings microsoft forms microsoft lists Jun 07, 2024

Four event booking solutions using the tools you already have

Reading time: 8 minutes

This week we invested a little bit of time to help a member of our Your 365 Coach community achieve a solution...

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Join us for Your 365 Coach Live! planner teams Jun 03, 2024

Effortless Task Management in Microsoft Teams

Thursday 13 June 1pm BST and 6pm BST

We’re getting excited about our first Your 365 Coach Live on Thursday 13 June, ever watched one of our...

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Ten top tips for planning a great SharePoint Intranet intranet microsoft sharepoint sharepoint May 30, 2024

Considerations before starting out on a SharePoint intranet adventure

Reading time: 10 minutes

Hi, I’m Matthew and I joined Scott at Your 365 Coach in March. I’m a SharePoint Superfan...

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Easily create email newsletters using Microsoft 365 microsoft outlook microsoft sharepoint May 17, 2024

A quick introduction to ‘made for email’ SharePoint pages  

Reading time: 4 minutes

Creating rich email newsletters or updates can be a time consuming and expensive to achieve...

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Using Loop inside other Microsoft 365 apps microsoft 365 microsoft loop May 10, 2024

A quick reference guide to where Loop components can be created

Reading time: 4 minutes

In Scott’s latest YouTube Tutorial, How to improve Team Meeting with Loop, he explores using Loop in...

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Unite colleague communities with Viva Engage viva engage May 03, 2024

Four great use cases for Microsoft 365’s enterprise social networking solution 

Reading time: 4 minutes

In this week’s YouTube Tutorial: What is Viva Engage? Scott lifted the lid...

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Save time by scheduling SharePoint News posts intranet sharepoint Apr 25, 2024

Let SharePoint take the stress out of your embargos and timelines 

Reading time: 3 minutes

SharePoint Pages and News posts are a straightforward, easy to consume way to share intranet...

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Automate event reminders using Microsoft 365 microsoft 365 outlook Apr 17, 2024

Custom reminder emails in Outlook add a great touch to your event organisation

Reading time: 4 minutes

We’re used to reminders from Outlook calendar meetings. Unless they’re played...

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Use Microsoft Forms for in-person audience polls microsoft 365 microsoft forms Apr 12, 2024

Present allows your event audience share their thoughts using their mobile devices

Reading time: 3 minutes

Microsoft has made further enhancements to Forms, including updates to the...

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It’s time to tidy up your Microsoft 365 workspaces: Ten easy tips housekeeping intranet microsoft 365 onedrive sharepoint teams Apr 05, 2024
Reading time: 7 minutes

Are you in a productive paradise or a data dumping ground?

Here in the UK, the passing of the Easter holidays normally signals the turn in the seasons! The gardens are...

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